Workshop with Dr. John Painter
Saskatoon Workshops with Shigong Painter are held once or twice per year. This is an absolutely incredible training event! The head of the Li family’s Dao Qi Quan arts and Jiulong Baguazhang will come to your doorstep. If you are serious about improving yourself, you will not miss this!
-- Feb 8 to 10, 2013
-- Nov 22, 23, 24
-- TBA

Chinese New Year Celebration
Orchard Kung Fu students and instructors celebrate Chinese New Years with good friendship and great eats. Please contact Yancy Orchard for more information.
Special Workshops And Events
Tai Chi Gala
June 5 to 7, 2020
Tai Chi Master Jou Tsung Hwa originally founded this event and named it the “Zhang San Feng Festival,” after the legendary ancient founder of taijiquan, Grandmaster Zhang San Feng. The purpose is to unite all those interested in: taijiquan, qigong, and Taoist internal arts in a spirit of sharing. The Zhang San Feng Festival was renamed “Tai Chi Gala” to make the name easier to understand and remember.
Once registered, you can join any and all of the offered the workshops and activities! The topics are plentiful and rare – learn things to enhance your life, in: taijiquan, qigong, Chinese martial arts, Eastern philosophy (Taoism/Buddhism) meditation, qi energy development, mind/body healing, push hands, self-defense, self-development, natural healing, and SO much more… There’s something for everyone, guaranteed.
Shigong Painter traditionally presents t this event. Shifu Castaldo and Shifu Orchard have also presented workshops numerous times.
Tai Chi Gala provides the ultimate choice of: an active learning vacation, or a relaxing, transformative personal retreat. Some activites are leisurely and others are dynamic. The atmosphere is always welcoming, respectful, and POSITIVE. YOU choose exactly what YOU want. YOU create the event as it unfolds! A wonderful time awaits you in June!
Register at: