Workshop with Dr. John Painter
Saskatoon Workshops with Shigong Painter are held once or twice per year. This is an absolutely incredible training event! The head of the Li family’s Dao Qi Quan arts and Jiulong Baguazhang will come to your doorstep. If you are serious about improving yourself, you will not miss this!
-- Feb 8 to 10, 2013
-- Nov 22, 23, 24
-- TBA

Chinese New Year Celebration
Orchard Kung Fu students and instructors celebrate Chinese New Years with good friendship and great eats. Please contact Yancy Orchard for more information.
Special Workshops And Events
Founders Day
Li Family Daoqiquan – Honoring Lama Zurdwang
Founder’s Day is an annual event where Dao Qi Quan practitioners, from around the world, come to the Gompa to pay respect to the lineage of our system. There is a long line of individuals who sacrificed much to keep these arts alive for your benefit, and mine. Shifu Painter always hosts an intriguing workshop and moving Friday night ceremony.
Founders Day is an annual event.
Check the Gompa website or contact OKF for more info
(but it is likely that it will be October 2 to 4, 2020)
Ku cha Yishi Bitter Tea Ceremony
We honor the founder of our art Lama Zurdwang on his birthday and renew our vows of the four virtues and dedication to the Li family arts by drinking bitter tea, in this very important ceremony held each year at The Gompa. Shigong Painter reads the lineage of the art and imparts its history.
Founders Day is celebrated at the same time as the opening of the first American school of Daoqiquan. That was the Kung Fu Tao Training center opened in 1973 by Dr. Painter. To commemorate these two events students bringing a flower and or well wish card in a red envelope to the Gompa. Flowers can be brought starting seven days before and up to this date to be placed upon the Ancestors Place of the Gompa Center so as not to forget the origin of the art. If a student is away from home (The Gompa) he should write The Gompa in order to show respect for the Founder's Day.